One of the many advantages to utilising Visive LED contour tubing for architectural lighting is its ease of installation. Visive have developed several further features unique to their Hi-Lite™30 and Hi-Brow™30 products to make installation of their LED contour tubing even simpler and easier.
Visive have also developed a quick and easy on-line training programme which will ensure engineers have all the relevant information they need to install LED contour tube.
Installation Guides
Hi-Lite™30 Installation Guide (pdf download)
Hi-Brow™30 Installation Guide (pdf download)
Both Hi-Lite™30 and Hi-Brow™30 tubes are available as standard tube lengths of 2.4m and as field adjustable lengths. All cabling is hidden from view within the acrylic tube so for longer runs the standard lengths can simply be daisy chained together. The field adjustable lengths are produced in lengths of 2.4m and 1.2m which can be easily cut to size on site. No need to carry and transport multiple different lengths to site!
Pre drilled mounting clips
The Visive product development team have developed a pre-drilled polycarbonate mounting clip for their Hi-Lite™30 range. This hugely decreases the installation time and, in turn, the cost of installation.
Power supply unit
All Visive’s products can be supplied with an input voltage of either 12V, 24V or 46V. Choosing to operate with an input voltage of 46V reduces the number of power supply units (PSUs) required therefore, reducing installation time even further.
As well as providing comprehensive installation guides, the Visive team are always available to offer expert advice on installation. The technical team can be contacted on +44 (0)1978 660181 or via technical@visivegroup.com